Empower Thyself Initiation

Somewhere inside you, you know you have a higher purpose beyond the life you are living now.

And you may be getting the sense that connecting to your soul and spirit will be an important part of your journey.

Empower Thyself Initiation is for people who want to exponentially accelerate their learning, lead exceptional lives, and step into a bigger and more positive version of themselves.

Self-mastery is the key for the most successful people on the planet, but many people don't know where to start because traditional education doesn’t teach it.

Over the two days of the class you will begin to walk through gateways to your soul and your Higher Self.

You will also receive personal tools, practices, and teachings to begin know yourself as a spiritual being having a physical experience and harness the tremendous capacity and power that comes from knowing yourself.


At the end of the two days, you receive the first step of Initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light - empowering you to hold ten times more light that will accelerate your evolution, expand your ability to create good in the world, and protect you from negativity.

As you integrate and practice what you have learned, you will gain access to the greater creativity, intuition, and discernment of a spiritual being - and as a human living an inspiring and purpose driven life. 

Investment: $1200

Class Length: Two days
Prerequisites: Part 1 of the Life Activation session is required. Part 2 of the Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation is highly recommended.

Empower Thyself is taught in a small class size and payment plans are available.


Book a consultation to learn more about Empower Thyself Initiation and the Modern Mystery School Boston
