Full Menu
Thank you for visiting the Full Menu of services offered. I offer complimentary consultations to design a healing journey that meets your individual needs. You may request a consultation here.
Core Healings
Homes & Businesses
Crystal Gridding
House Blessing
Advanced Healings
Once you have completed the Core Healings, we create a customized plan for healing based on your needs. The level of investment for these healings is priced similarly across the board with the exception of a few extremely specialized offerings in the list below.
Angel Code
Archangel Michael Healing
Aura Healing
Baby Blessing
Celestial Code
Core Will Infusion
Crystal Healing
Crystal Reading
Crystal Rites
Etheric Reconstruction
Fire Soul Infusion & Activation
Isis Emotional Rebirth
Advanced Isis Healing
King Salomon Healing Series (12 Sessions)
King Salomon Healing Series: Auric Region (10 Sessions)
Laying of Hands for Comfort and Healing
Shamanic Aura Clearing & Protection
Spiritual Drug Detox Series (10+ Sessions)
Starseed Healing
Unified Chakra Awakening