Hermetic Soul Retrieval

Do you feel like something is missing as you get older - like the spark and passion behind your life is fading? We are born as passionate and connected beings, but it is common for people to separate from parts of their soul and purpose as we become adults and experience personal trauma or are confronted with a seemingly uncaring and unjust society.

Hermetic Soul Retrieval reconnects you to the missing parts of yourself so that you can live with clarity, purpose, and connection with the world around you. 

Investment: $275
Session Length: 120 minutes
Life Activation is recommended

Egyptian Aura Healing

Do you have big dreams, but keep getting stuck making them a reality?

The Egyptian Aura Healing clears out the blocks that you have to physically manifesting what you want. The seven layers of the aura are the vehicle for connecting the core of who you are to the physical and, if you are like most people, they could use a tune up and an oil change. The healing cleans, balances, and rewires all seven layers of the aura so that the full brilliance of who you are can come into creation. 

Investment: $275
Session Length: 90 minutes
Prerequisites: None. A
Life Activation is highly recommended to maximize the impact of this healing.

Ra Protection Healing

You are exponentially happier and more effective when you can cut through distractions in your life and and focus on what matters.

The Ra Protection Healing will help you eliminate mental and emotional clutter so you can create what you desire and gracefully say no to things that are not serving you. The session kicks out unwanted energies and leaves you with clean and protected energy. It is perfect counteract negativity and fatigue in your work or personal life.

Investment: $275
Session Length: 120 minutes
Life Activation

Emotional Cord Cutting

Ever felt a former partner pulling on your "heart strings” or as though someone is “emotionally blackmailing" you?

We often form emotional attachments with people subconsciously - including lovers, family, friends, and colleagues. True connection is based on mutually sharing energy within healthy boundaries. Emotional attachments are different and they form energetic cords where we subconsciously influence and pull on each other. This tends to create drama, confusion and doubt. 

An emotional cord cutting removes these attachments and allows you to clearly understand how you truly feel in any situation - free from the pull of other people. This does not remove anyone from your life directly. Instead, it helps you to move away from toxic relationships and situations and create healthier patterns based on your own choices.

Investment: $50
Session Length: 30 minutes
Life Activation or in conjunction with a Life Activation - without this empowerment people are likely to recreate the same issues.

Life Purpose Reading

Are you looking for deeper insight into your origins and purpose? The Life Purpose Reading connects with your spiritual DNA that can give you information and insights on where you have come from and the choices that are in front of you. 

Investment: $275
Session Length: 90 minutes
Prerequisite: Life Activation

Spark of Life - Remote Healing

We are born into physical life in a pure state of being, but few people make it into adolescence without gathering a serious amount of clutter that blocks us from connecting with the divine, universal energy, and the blueprints for joy and healing in our lives.

Spark of Life is a remote healing that connects you with sacred temple energy wherever you are and clears away the debris. It works with the physical DNA and the four elements to bring you back to your original state - opening up the infinite possibilities that we have as spiritual beings. It can help with:

  • Healing physical injuries and pain relief - especially when receiving the session during hospitalizations or illness

  • Greater physical stamina and strength

  • Increased energy and focus on what matters

Investment: $275
Session Length: 90 minutes - must be done remotely
Prerequisites: None


The Soul Retrieval healing was a truly life changing experience. Since my childhood I have felt as though an aspect of myself was missing. A part of myself that allowed me to feel love and connection. Trying to live life with out this part of myself was really hard. Being a husband and a father was nearly impossible. The Soul Retrieval allowed the parts of me that trauma had chased away to come back. The other day my 3 year old son looked me in the eyes for the first time and we shared a loving connection. Life doesn't feel impossible anymore. In fact a lot of times it feels beautiful. Allan - Landscaper

I wanted to say thanks. The [Spark of Life] session couldn’t have come at a better time. That Thursday my aunt passed away. I could feel immediately the amazing benefits in my ability to show up, have energy and be there for my family. I possessed a willingness and capacity to be patient and present with others I did not have before. Thank you. Maya - Nurse

I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Life Purpose Reading. I expected to hear a few minor things about my future. Instead I was blown away by what Ariana told me. She was able to read and tell me what was going on for me at this present moment in time, and could see my paths ahead, which she told me about. She validated my chosen career path and spiritual path, which left me weeping with tears of joy with what appeared to her and what was shown. I am so thankful to have had Ariana as my reader. She was sensitive to the information being shown, and her presentaton to me was with love, care, and concern. I would pay 10 times the cost of this reading. Linda - Real Estate Broker

For about half a year I had been working diligently on a project that I am passionate about. In the month surrounding receiving the Egyptian Aura Healing, I: quit or declined two jobs not in alignment with my purpose, went on vacation, found a new apartment, and launched my new project in style. A few days after the launch I had three new clients and had sold a painting. The beautiful thing was, I did all of it with a feeling of abundance and faith in my heart. I no longer felt impatient or worried about money, being good enough or finding a home. In my heart I could feel that it was coming, that it was already with me. Faith and abundance ceased to be intellectual concepts and instead became feelings in my heart that I can now connect to whenever I like. Julie - Healer and Creativity Consultant