Life Activation Part 2: Full Spirit Activation

How would your life change if you could hear and feel your soul guiding your decisions?

This session activates a GPS system for your soul and spirit so you can make better choices and overcome negative habits that are undermining your success.

With improved an improved spiritual navigation system, you’ll begin to get inner guidance, build confidence in your intuition and step onto a path to higher purpose.


The Full Spirit Activation is the second part of the Life Activation and builds on the spiritual map accessed through the first part the Life Activation. It activates your inner GPS system that helps you to see choices where your old habits and negative subconscious patterns previously had control.

This session can:

  • Expand the realm of choices that you perceive in life

  • Allow spirit to communicate more directly with your conscious awareness and daily life so that you can create peace and prosperity

  • Support healing from stress, anxiety, addiction, and negative patterns

  • Create a deeper sense of your purpose and possibility of service for the good of all

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It awakens and rewires your “old” (reptilian) and limbic brains so that you can consciously live from your spirit and soul - where you already have all of the answers you need to transform yourself. When you are in touch with your soul and spirit, they will help guide you to a higher vision of your potential and purpose.

How many of your daily decisions are governed by subconscious patterns that have been shaped by years of stress, overwork, or tough things from childhood?

Most people’s lives are ruled by emotional instability, stress, trauma, and chronic illness and inflammation. Yet, many people are only consciously aware of the work happening when they experience rational thought.

The Full Spirit Activation opens up much more of your capacity to see what is actually holding you back so you can access healing, self-mastery, and purpose. 

Investment: $275
Session Length: 90 minutes
Prerequisites: The Full Spirit Activation is the second part of the Life Activation
