Isis Emotional Rebirth Healing

Are you looking for a gentle way to move on from people, events, and trauma from the past?

This emotional rebirth healing gathers up all of the emotional baggage that gets scattered across friends, lovers, and colleagues and catalyzes a new emotional way of being that is free from past distractions.

It gives you a new experience of your emotions - clearing the way to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression to focus on what matters. As the session integrates over a few weeks, it is easier to move past negativity to a clearer state of experiencing your emotions as messages from your soul that can guide your learning.

Investment: $275
Session Length: 90 minutes


I wanted to let you know how strongly I felt the effects of your energy work [Isis Emotional Healing] when I was with my family last weekend. I felt so clear and free, as if I finally know who I am. It made the time with everyone very joyful for me. I am also much less exhausted lately and feeling the positive effects of having given up coffee. Amelie, Counselor

The Isis Emotional Rebirth Healing was the help I was looking for; I still do not understand how it could help me in such subtle and deep ways at the same time. After the session my heart felt so peaceful, light and expanded. I have the habit to rationalize my emotions so I can understand them and fix whatever I am doing wrong, but that didn’t help with the fear I was attached to from a past experience which I thought I was totally over. The morning before the healing session I felt my heart was literally growing in my chest. After the session I found that I could reconcile the emotions of that past experience in my heart and not just in my mind. Now, I acknowledge my past experience in a totally different way and my heart feels much calmer and open. Something shifted in a very positive way inside of me and my mind is giving more space to my heart in my life. Karen - Neurobiologist

After the Isis Healing I felt so serene and happy; it really was remarkable! In the weeks since, I have noticed self doubt and self-criticism creeping back in. My goal is to be aware of these thoughts and to accept their existence, but to not let them affect my decisions and path forward. I have lots of ideas to clear my work space and creations to make, so I am working to clear that space in my head as well as the physical space. I do feel more focused and sure of myself and am not lingering on negative thoughts and actions. Jenny - Stay at Home Mom, Artist, and Gardener