
The Spiritual Meaning of Sacrifice and Regeneration

Leaving our comfort zone

Easter always gives me a profound opportunity to reflect on the power of sacrifice. The story of Christ’s sacrifice has always struck a chord in me - because it invites us to learn to sacrifice the lesser for the greater.

While of the history of Christianity as an institution may be disempowering for many, Christ taught that we are children of God, and that we have the capacity to do everything that Christ did and more. Children carry the DNA of their parents, and as they grow into adults, have the capacity to become greater than their parents. 

Easter teaches us that if we want to step out of the paradigm of human struggles and reclaim our power and divinity, we need to be willing sacrifice a whole lot. 

We are living through a time of enormous struggle and pain. We are all being called to make sacrifices at different levels - and it is up to each us to determine if these sacrifices will be destructive or regenerative. 

As I wrote in a post last week, we have the OPPORTUNITY to wake up spiritually, leave behind old patterns, and step into living from our higher spiritual purpose rather than trying to reclaim an old “normal” that in truth, was already a crisis for most people.

This process requires a kind of enlightenment - literally a process of bringing of illumination and clarity of being that is only possible through deep spiritual work - to become aware of where we’ve welcomed the false safety of the familiar and observable to the detriment of our purpose, our soul, and our joy. 

For a chick to grow into an adult, it must have the courage and drive to break out of the shell that has been the only home and safety it has known from day 1, no matter how adorable the exterior pastel paint, or cozy the warmth of the incubator. 

Most of us have a head start, though, because we’ve already long outgrown our shells. They are crumbling, long since stopped providing nourishment, and only serve to stunt our growth. 

So, while this day is a time of sadness and remembrance for many who have experienced loss recently, it is also a call to all of us to sacrifice our shells, whether they are comfortable or crumbling, and begin to stretch our wings on the path to being spiritual adults. I’m excited to see us fly!

Happy Easter with all my love 💗🐣🐥🌷
