Higher Purpose

My Body is a Temple


My body is a temple

To the mysteries of my soul

To all the goodness and beauty that is yet unmanifested

To the unique sparks of divinity that only I can express


We keep revered temples clean and cared for; not for the sake of cleanliness or just for them to look good for tourists...

We care for them because they are akin to antennae for higher spiritual energies, a place into which we invite the divine 🔥

The clearer and more focused the temple, the clearer and more resonant the energies.

Your body is your greatest temple - a temple for your soul and spirit to dwell 🙏

The clearer it is, the better your guidance and understanding of your purpose becomes.

🙌 Your body isn't here to fit into norms that other people heap on you and it definitely isn't for the tourists 🙌

It is here to be nourished, cared for, and treated as the sacred space that it truly is ❤️

There is a universe of beauty and goodness that is uniquely yours to express when you open the doors of your temple to welcome in the divinity that is within you 💫🌌

Making Better Choices

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We talked a lot about choice this weekend in Empower Thyself🔥

Specifically how the wounds of the past shape what we perceive as possible now ➡️ aka what we think is "just the way things are".

What does it take to make better choices and be able to envision a life we can enjoy?

🙌Seeing where your subconscious mind and unseen fears are keeping you locked in harmful patterns, negative thoughts, and anxiety about the future 🙌

Our EXPERIENCE of life is determined by the choices we make every second, every minute, every hour.

One of the huge reasons why Empower Thyself Initiation is so life changing is because it gives people a giant spotlight powered by your spirit and your higher self so you can see what the subconscious mind is ACTUALLY doing - and begin to make better choices 🚀

When you can consistently make good choices that support the highest expression of yourself, it adds up quickly to a life that looks very different...

and, over time, begins to form the foundation for a life that you truly love and enjoy.

How would your experience of life change if you intuitively knew what was in your highest good and had the strength and courage to choose it all the time?

Spiritually Transforming Hate into Love

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Today is snowy perfection ❄️ days like this are part of why I adore living in Boston 🕊

It's 32º and big fluffy flakes are falling heavily and painting everything beautiful it warms my heart and I've spent hours outside today running, walking, and playing in the snow with my husband and our dog...

Something struck me today.

You know what my least favorite weather is?

34º and raining I'm cold and everything feels mean and ugly 🥶

It is just a 1-2ºF difference for me between love and hate, beauty and ugliness...

It got me thinking about the separation, hatred, and seemingly intractable differences and conflicts that we are all facing these days.

Hermetic science tells us that pairs of opposites are the same in nature, but differ by degree: hot and cold, wet and dry, love and hate, fear and courage.

This means that each pair is on a spectrum together, and that it is possible to shift what is happening - what you need for success are spiritual mastery and higher perspective.

For example, what I perceive as hot and cold are both temperature. The only difference between them is vibration - this is true both spiritually and physically.

Love and hate work the same way. They are varying degrees on the same spectrum - and we've all experienced how one can easily flip to the other.

What if many of the conflicts that we have are actually just a couple of degrees away from flipping over from yucky into beautiful?

Would you know how to identify them and how to nudge them from hate into love?

Meaningful empowerment requires the wisdom to identify these leverage points and know how to shift them towards the good for all 🔥

What do you need to do claim your power?

Higher Purpose as the Antidote to Division


I had the immense privilege of teaching Empower Thyself Initiation 🚀 this weekend amidst an intense backdrop.

Our country is facing seemingly unsolvable levels of division, hatred, and disinformation.

In the past, the US has attempted to create unity by standing AGAINST a real or perceived threat. This worked fighting Nazis, but quickly imploded with McCarthyism.

When faced with polarities, people are drawn downward toward either conflict or compromises where no one gets what they want.

Our real hope is finding a higher purpose and calling that invites people upward together towards higher order solutions that confront and solve the issues that everyone is facing.

For this to work, our higher purpose must reach beyond the interests of an individual or a group identity to the greatest good for all.

It is this higher purpose that motivates me as a Healer and Guide to give you the tools and keys 🔥⬇️

✨That you will remember your true nature and why you chose to be here on Earth at this time

✨That you will come to know the goodness and beauty within you so clearly that you can't help but see it in everyone else

✨That you will understand your own higher purpose and step boldly into your role in building a just, loving, and beautiful world for everyone

✨And that your light and inspiration will become so strong that it will stand unwaveringly no matter how heavily darkness falls around you

How to Make 2021 a Better Year

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2020 has been a heck of a year and I know everyone is hoping that 2021 is going to be easier.

2021 isn't going to be EASIER.

It's probably going to be a hot mess in many ways.

Yes, there is a chance that a handful of the wealthiest countries in the world will be substantially past the threat of Covid a year from now, and that is pretty exciting...

...but everywhere else will still be struggling with it and all of us will still have every other pressing challenge to face: separation, racism, inequality, catastrophic climate change, mass extinction of the planet's biodiversity, ascendant dictatorship and authoritarianism, war, and poverty, to name a few.

BUT you are the key to a better world and 2021 can be BETTER if you

❤️ Ditch old habits and addictions so you can focus on what really matters

✨ Heal the wounds and trauma that keep you playing it safe and small

🔥 Step into your power spiritually and direct your choices from your higher purpose

🦋 Understand your unique role in serving humanity

If you want things to BE different, you have to do things that ARE different.

I have amazing tools and support to exponentially speed up your progress and learning enough to look back in December 2021 and barely recognize your life.

Come have a chat with me if you want to know where to start 💫

Lots of Love and Blessings for the New Year 💋🕊🦌🌲


Conscious Leadership and Igniting Your Passions

Conscious Leadership

I know I talk a lot about the amazing results that my clients get from #LifeActivation and #Initiation in a matter of weeks and months, but what is even more inspiring is what is possible when people pursue this path for years, get regular healings, and take further steps like #Kabbalah

I was speaking with a client yesterday with whom I’ve worked for over three years.

She was already a successful CEO when we started working together, but for her, work and purpose were not aligned - work was how to make money, charity was how to do good - and had anxieties and negative patterns that didn’t support the life she wanted to create.

Fast forward to now, she:

🦋 has shifted her thoughts for good, and anxiety and negativity are a thing of the past

✨understands her unique purpose and how she can have a positive impact, empower others, and shift the rising tide of negativity and polarization in society

🔥has successfully pivoted her company and team to align with her vision

☀️ and has dramatically increased her revenue and professional respect along with high profile new clients seeking her out

The beautiful world that we all want to live in is going to be created by each of us having the empowerment to live our purpose from the inside out. I love my work and hope you can join me 💋


The Spiritual Meaning of Sacrifice and Regeneration

Leaving our comfort zone

Easter always gives me a profound opportunity to reflect on the power of sacrifice. The story of Christ’s sacrifice has always struck a chord in me - because it invites us to learn to sacrifice the lesser for the greater.

While of the history of Christianity as an institution may be disempowering for many, Christ taught that we are children of God, and that we have the capacity to do everything that Christ did and more. Children carry the DNA of their parents, and as they grow into adults, have the capacity to become greater than their parents. 

Easter teaches us that if we want to step out of the paradigm of human struggles and reclaim our power and divinity, we need to be willing sacrifice a whole lot. 

We are living through a time of enormous struggle and pain. We are all being called to make sacrifices at different levels - and it is up to each us to determine if these sacrifices will be destructive or regenerative. 

As I wrote in a post last week, we have the OPPORTUNITY to wake up spiritually, leave behind old patterns, and step into living from our higher spiritual purpose rather than trying to reclaim an old “normal” that in truth, was already a crisis for most people.

This process requires a kind of enlightenment - literally a process of bringing of illumination and clarity of being that is only possible through deep spiritual work - to become aware of where we’ve welcomed the false safety of the familiar and observable to the detriment of our purpose, our soul, and our joy. 

For a chick to grow into an adult, it must have the courage and drive to break out of the shell that has been the only home and safety it has known from day 1, no matter how adorable the exterior pastel paint, or cozy the warmth of the incubator. 

Most of us have a head start, though, because we’ve already long outgrown our shells. They are crumbling, long since stopped providing nourishment, and only serve to stunt our growth. 

So, while this day is a time of sadness and remembrance for many who have experienced loss recently, it is also a call to all of us to sacrifice our shells, whether they are comfortable or crumbling, and begin to stretch our wings on the path to being spiritual adults. I’m excited to see us fly!

Happy Easter with all my love 💗🐣🐥🌷


My Spiritual Lessons from Coronavirus/Covid19

Spiritual Path

A lot of people are feeling overwhelmed and asking me how to understand the spiritual lessons behind the current pandemic. Part of our essence as humans is our capacity to learn and gain mastery, so asking this question is essential.

Something that I’ve been considering is this: what if there aren’t inherent spiritual lessons behind what we are experiencing? 

When I say inherent, I mean ones that we can sit back and receive automatically, regardless of are actively engaging in learning.

The idea that the virus itself is here to teach us something implies that we can sit back and receive those lessons - but what if we need to stay engaged, and choose what will come from this?

What if this is happening because of many unconscious choices amplified over a system of 7+ billion people? 

What if, just like war, the virus is something terrible that, in and of itself, isn’t here to teach us anything? 

What if there isn’t a neat package delivery of lessons for us to find at our doorstep and unwrap passively? 

What if, if we are to learn anything, it is totally in our own hands to CHOOSE to commit ourselves to bringing goodness and beauty into this world?

To do this, we would have to go inside ourselves and ask what good we can bring DESPITE the pain, suffering, and death that is happening. 

We would have to CHOOSE what we are going to learn - and it would be up to each of us to put in the work to ensure that the lessons we learn will drive the humanity’s next steps along our path in a positive direction.

We would have to CHOOSE where we will find opportunity amidst crisis. 

If this is true, what are you choosing to learn?

Here is some of what I’ve been working with, I’d love to hear yours! 

🔥 We have the OPPORTUNITY to wake up spiritually, leave behind old patterns, and step into living from our higher spiritual purpose rather than trying to reclaim an old “normal” that in truth was already a crisis for most people.

🌍 We have the OPPORTUNITY to choose to remember that we are all one and support each other now and once this crisis has passed.

🌱 We have the OPPORTUNITY to start creating healthy, ecologically integrated systems for food, industry, and living that heal and nurture rather than poison.

🤝 We have the OPPORTUNITY to start building the foundations for a peaceful, abundant, and interconnected world for everyone, even if we can’t connect in person at this moment.


The Opposite of Addiction isn't Sobriety, It's Spiritual Connection

For the past 9 months I’ve been working to bring the powerful energy healing work we offer in the Modern Mystery School to women in in-patient drug addiction recovery alongside two other amazing healers, Alex Bynum and Jordan Bain.

After just a few sessions, we’ve seen remarkable improvements, including an average of ~100% improvement in self-reported stress and anxiety and incredible individual results for healing damaging patterns of insomnia, nightmares, and PTSD.

Each person received a series of three weekly healings with a follow-up fourth session a few weeks later:

  1. Life Activation

  2. Ensofic Reiki

  3. Full Spirit Activation - the second part of the Life Activation

  4. Isis Emotional Rebirth

I’m so excited to launch a video of the testimonials from our work and I’d be honored if you’d watch!


Self-Mastery Through Healing the Subconscious Mind

Do you want to have the power to change problems in your life and the world? Healing the subconscious mind is an essential key to your empowerment and consciously creating change a better world for all.

Today I’m sharing about how to heal the potholes of your subconscious mind that are holding you back from self-mastery, higher purpose, and joy.
